Romans 7 &
Perhaps you
are a person with a sincere desire to live your life pleasing to the Lord but
find that your Christian life is more of an experience of frustration and
disappointment than anything else. Perhaps, you’ve come to this blog site
feeling defeated, discouraged or weakened by sinful habits. I know this happens
to Christians and for some, it can be the norm. But I also know Hosea 4:6 says
“my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” The question you need to
settle is this: “Am I experiencing spiritual defeat due to lack of knowing the
full extent of what Christ has accomplished through His redemptive work on the
cross?” Think about it. The Lord has equipped us with every source of strength and
power needed to come out a winner. It takes rigorist training to win Olympic
gold and yet, only one contestant can take it home. The Christian race is
different. We all can take home gold. So let’s go for the gold.
it’s just a matter of throwing off
everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles...running with
perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer
and perfecter of faith. (Hebrews 12:1& 2) However, the issue may run a little deeper than simply throwing of a
garment of sin that’s impeding our progress in the faith. For others, it may be a lack of
knowledge or a theological understanding of the finished work of Christ on the
cross. Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
If freedom is what you want than you have come to the right place. Christ has
made you a winner and win you will!
Roman 7:
How did our
Lord make us winners? The Apostle Paul admitted he was a constant loser until
he encountered Christ on the road to Damascus. He tried hard to be a good
person but fell short of the mark. Paul said, “For what I want to do I do not
do, but what I hate I do.”
Isn’t it
frustrating when you find yourself succumbing to the same temptation; repeating
the same mistakes and overtaken by sin? It’s absolutely frustrating! Paul said
“I had every good intention to be good; but then he admits, “We know the law is
spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin.”
admitting that that the life he lived as a Pharisee he lived “as a slave to
sin.” Wow! Now that’s a confession if ever I heard one. He’s expressing
spiritual frustration and admitting the truth about himself. The Apostle Paul was
a devote man before He met Christ; a Pharisee,
the son of a Pharisee. Paul said, “according
to the strictest sect of our religion, I lived as a Pharisee...if anyone thinks he has reason to put confidence in the flesh,
I have more. Circumcised on the eight day, of the people of Israel, of the
tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as
for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless.
But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.”
(Philippians 3:5) Paul is confessing, outright, to be a slave to sin
before his encounter with Christ.
Listen to
what he wrote in Romans 7:21
“So I find this law at work: When I want to do
good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s
law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war
against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work
within my members.”
Let we give
you a definition of the word “law.”
Dictionary says a law is a binding custom or practise of a community: a rule of
conduct or action...enforced by a controlling authority.” The Apostle Paul is
admitting before he met Jesus his life was regulated by a power called “the law
of sin.”
There’s a
regulatory power or principle that operates within every man known as the “the
law of sin”. It’s as though there’s a legislative power embedded in the DNA of
every human being. No amount of therapy, counselling, positive thinking,
psychology, education, social or religious conditioning can alter this
controlling power at work in our bodies. Humanly speaking, there’s no earthly
cure for this demise.
Romans 7:8
Paul throws
up his hands in despair and cry’s out to God saying “What a wretched man I am!
Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God – through Jesus
Christ our Lord!
The Damascus
experience changed everything for Paul. Paul’s name was Saul before his
encounter with Christ and after his encounter with Jesus our Lord gave him a
new name. He was given a new name to go with his new nature. It was there on a
dusty road Saul met the risen Savior who entered into his life and smashed the
regulating power that held him a slave to sin.
Romans 8:1
Now, Paul
can write and say “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in
Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me
free from the law of sin and death.”
“The law of
sin” was no longer controlling or regulating Paul’s life. He’s now free from
its legislating authority. He’s no longer a slave to sin. The problem with some
Christians is that they think that “the law of sin” and “the law of the Spirit
of life” can co-exist. It`s one or the other. It can’t be both. It`s either the
“The law of sin” or its “the law of the Spirit of life.” Paul said, “But if
anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.”
(Romans 8”9b)
Some look for freedom from guilt and
condemnation but do not expect to be set free the power of sin that controls
their live. But what God has done in Christ through the cross sets us free from
the power of sin. It is not only freedom from guilt; it’s also freedom from the
enslaving power of sin. “But whom the Son sets free is free indeed.”
Romans 8:2
“For the law
of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of a sin and
What is the
law of the Spirit of Life? The Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of life” because he
is the author of life and He is life. The word “law” is used as regulating or
setting into motion a power or a legislating authority. Now that we are in
Christ “the law of the Spirit of Life” operates in us to make us free from the
power of sin which is unto death. The power given by Holy Spirit is unto life,
and therefore, it makes us free. When Christ enters into our lives He breaks
and cancels the law of sin controlling the flesh. He brings judgement upon it. Only
Jesus can bring judgement upon the law of sin so as to destroy its power;
nothing else can do this. This is exactly what God did by sending his own son
in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin.
Romans 8:3-4
“For what
the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by sinful nature, God did
by sending his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, condemned sin
in the flesh.”
Condemned here
means destroyed. He cancelled, or it can be said, Christ “smashed” the strong
hold of sin in our bodies, that controlling, legislating authority that holds
us captive to sinful habits.
scripture says that Jesus came in the “likeness of human flesh.” It doesn’t say He came in “sinful flesh.”
When the
Father sent the Son into this world of sin, of misery, and of death, He sent
him in a manner that brought him into the closest relation to sinful humanity
possible without becoming Himself sinful.
He himself
was holy and undefiled. The word “likeness” guards this truth. But he came in
the same human nature. And that is the purpose of saying “in the likeness of
sinful flesh.”
The Father
sent the Son for no other reason than for the purpose of dealing with sin. It
was to deal with sin that He came and it brought Him into the closest possible
relation to sinful humanity without becoming Himself sinful. And in doing this
he destroyed sin in the flesh and overthrew its power.
Today is
Freedom Day for you. Christ will break every form of addiction, every sinful
habit, every controlling spirit over your life because “greater is He that is
in you and then He that’s in the world and you are more than conquerors through
Christ who loves us.”
Romans 8:5-9
Now, we are
free to live; I mean really live! You’re to live in complete spiritual freedom
from sin. Always and keep this in mind every day of your life that you’re free
from guilt, shame, free, condemnation, addiction, and every kind of slavery to
fleshly sins.
Do you not
realize that the things you think about serves as an indicator of your
spiritual freedom? What consumes your thinking? What’s your deepest desire?
What’s does your heart long for? Are your thoughts constantly upon worldly and
fleshly things or, is your mind on things above? Is your mind free from sin and pure before
God? Or are you a slave to sexual perversion, pornography, homosexuality,
alcohol and drug abuse, gambling, fits of rage, gossiping, jealousy, envy? The
list can go on but the buck stops with Christ.
Jesus not
only blotted out our sin’s guilt and brought us near to God. He also vanquished
sin as a power and set us free from its enslaving dominion. The way to remain
free is be filled over and over and over again with “Spirit of life.”
“The law of
the Spirit of life” is the regulating and controlling power of the Holy Spirit.
We are to ‘walk not after the flesh but the Spirit.’ The Spirit is the Holy
Spirit and He is the directing power in our lives not the flesh but the Holy
Spirit. It is by His indwelling and direction the righteousness of the law
comes to its fulfillment in our lives, and by the operation of grace which is
an empowering grace. There’s no contradiction or opposition between law and
grace. The law demands and the Holy Spirit energize – “the law is Spiritual.”
This gospel
is designed to set you free! Are you free? Take your freedom! “Whom the Son
sets free is free indeed.”
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